Monday, February 10, 2025

* Popular Questions & Answers


Are There Ongoings Costs With A Property :


As with owning any property at home or overseas there will be ongoing costs, one being utility charges for both  standing charge & usage charge. These will be for gas (some areas do have mains / community gas), electricity, water, telephone, ADSL etc. Obviously these depend on usage but are generally much cheaper than UK prices. Suma IBI tax (similar to UK council tax) is based on property build size & land attached & is on average around 150 to 250 euros per year. This is for the usual council work inc. road sweeping, collection of refuse (usually 7 days a week), street lights, fire brigade, police etc. Most properties (except if they are country / rural properties) will be part of a community & there will be a yearly community fee to pay. This can be as low as 125 euros & as high as 1200 euros per year but the average is around 350 euros per year. The community fee usually covers maintenance of communal areas, such as gardens and swimming pools, also such things as additional community lighting.

Spanish N.I.E Numbers

An NIE number (Foreign Identification Number, Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is a necessity in all fiscal or legal matters in Spain. Most commonly for foreigners this means when you purchase your property and sign for your mortgage in Spain. These identification numbers are used to track an individual's financial and official activities in Spain. Spanish citizens have a NIF number (Fiscal Identification Number / Número de Identificación Fiscal) which is their DNI (National Identity Document/ Documento Nacional de Identitidad) followed by a letter. The NIE number always starts with "X" and is followed by seven numbers and a letter. Your number is personal to you; it is not transferable nor does it expire.

Your NIE Number is needed to:


.  Apply for a mortgage or other loan in Spain

.  Buy/sell property in Spain

 . Buy a vehicle in Spain

.  Employment in Spain

.  Inheritance of assets in Spain

.  Insure your Property in Spain

.  Pay Spanish taxes

.  Sign onto the National Social Security Health plan

The taxes that are due when you buy a property and sign for a mortgage in Spain are withheld on your behalf and paid over to Hacienda (Inland Revenue). If you don't have an NIE number, then the taxes cannot be paid and you may incur some fines. Many banks in Spain will now refuse to complete on a mortgage if the client does not yet have the NIE number.


Can I Take My Car:

As of April 2014  - Saw one of the most important pieces of news, which will undoubtedly affect Ex-Pats living in Spain is the amendment of the traffic and road safety law which has finally been passed by the goverment. This new legislation is that from now on any foreign registered plates that are kept in Spain for longer than a month must now be transferred on to Spanish plates. This is frequently not done by those who either keep a car here for holiday use or just assume that it is okay, and that there are plenty of other people doing it. This new law means that anyone caught driving vehicles which can be proven to have been kept in Spain and have not applied or re-registered will face substantial fines. Excerpt taken from



Energy Efficiency Certificate

Energy efficency certificate.This Law came into force from 1st June 2013.
From 1st June any owner advertising a property without applying for the license could be fined so, if you are buying/renting a property in Spain after the 31/05/2013 pay attention to the fact that the owner/landlord must provide you with this certificate to confirm the classification of the property in terms of energetic efficiency.
Also if you are thinking to sale your Spanish property, we recommend you to contact a specialist company to help you to obtain assistance on this matter as soon as possible in order to have all the documentation ready to complete the sale.

EPC Licence lasts 10 years prices are as follows:

Up to 100m2 - 155€ + IVA

Between 100m2-200m2 - 195€ + IVA

Between 200m2 - 300m2 - 215€ + IVA

Up to 400m2 - 280€ + IVA

Over 400m2 - EPC will give price on visit to property.

The power supply is 220-225 volts, and any appliances you take from the UK will work with a two-pin plug.

To have a telephone and internet service installed, you must visit the local Telefonica office. Take along your passport or NIE card, proof of your address and a copy of your property deed or rental contract. If you are renting and don’t have a residence permit you must pay a deposit of around 200 Euros. We would also recommend the free Skype service.

Pet Immigration Rules For Spain:

Your pet must have an ISO pet microchip inserted, and be vaccinated for rabies and various other diseases at least 21 days prior to travel and not more than one year prior to travel. If your animal was vaccinated before it was fitted with a microchip, it will have to be vaccinated again after the microchip is inserted. If your pet's microchip is not ISO 11784/11785 compliant, you will have to bring your own microchip scanner.




For an expat, banking in Spain is essential. You will need a Spanish bank account firstly to purchase your property and then for regular mortgage, utility and other payments. The large banks all offer good services for foreigners and most have online banking in English. Most of the branches in larger towns or coastal resorts will have English speaking staff, but don't expect this in small, country places.

Banks are usually open from 0800 to 1400, Monday to Friday. Some main branches may open on Saturday mornings.

Opening hours can vary depending on the area and local customs. The smaller shops tend to open from 0900 to 1330, and from 1630 to 2000. Shops in larger towns are open all day.




Chemists are open from 0900 to 1330 and 1700 to 2000. In each town there is 24-hour duty chemist


Emergency Services:


From any phone dial 112.  This is for Police, Ambulance & Fire




Elche 96 667 90000
San Jaime ( Torrevieja) 96 692 1313
Provincial 96 563 8300



British Consulate Plaza
Alicante Tel: 96 521 6022


Irish Consulate
Barcelona Tel: 93 491 5021 

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Spanish Bank


JMT have been retained by major Spanish Banks to sell their Repossession properties.

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